By default,when you install Configmgr Reporting services point role,it create lot of reports with NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account and this information can be seen from log called ‘srsrp.log’ on your Site system server.If you look at srsrp.log,there will be lot of information tracked along with list of reports it created ,its path (web path) etc. If you want to find the rdl files for these reports(only for default ) ,browse <Configmgr Installation Drive>:\SMS_SRSRP\Reports . Some of the reports resides in these respective category folders ,they do not have proper naming for ex: I look at category ‘Software_Updates_-_A_Compliance’,reports are named with ‘report290,report291’ etc which are unclear and always go with Web Reporting. If you want to do some modifications/changes to the default reports,I would suggest to download the RDL file using your web browser ,edit it using your favorite reporting tools.
Coming to the Subject line ,How do I list all the Configmgr Default reports (created under System) and custom reports that are created by domain Users along with additional information like created by,Modified by,DataSource,Path and Report Description. At times,it will be useful to check the reports created by Whom and see who modified those ,it can be either default reports or created by Someone (Custom).
SQL Code:
SELECT c.Name,CreatedBy = UC.UserName,
CreationDate = C.CreationDate,
ModifiedBy = UM.UserName,ModifiedDate,
DS.Name AS DatasourceName,
FROM Reportserver.dbo.Catalog C
JOIN Reportserver.dbo.Users UC ON C.CreatedByID = UC.UserID
JOIN Reportserver.dbo.Users UM ON c.ModifiedByID = UM.UserID
LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.SecData AS SD ON C.PolicyID = SD.PolicyID
AND SD.AuthType = 1
INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.DataSource AS DS ON C.ItemID = DS.ItemID
order by 1
As usual , I have created SSRS Report for this ,which is uploaded to TechNet Gallery Here ,Download the report,Upload to your Configmgr Report server ,change the datasource and run the report.
Once you have the report, you can sort the report by Either Created By or Modified by to know the custom reports or reports created by someone and modified by someone.
This report also helps you to identify how many reports are using specific datasource if you sort the report by Datasource Name.
How does the report look like ?