Question asked in the forum ,if it is possible to get patch compliance /deployment status report (installed,required,not applicable and unknown) based on OU for specific software update group instead of collection.
Long ago,I posted patch compliance report for specific collection month wise but this report is just overall compliance for each month ,how the patch installation went.
This report will give you count of computers with its compliance/ deployment status (installed,required,not applicable and unknown) from specific OU per Update Group.
It took few hours for me to identify the right views from excel spread sheet that store the information about software update group and its compliance results.
There are various Patch compliance /updates views available in CM12 but you need to identify which are the ones that you require to create report.
For this report, I need to know the view for software update group and its compliance status info.
Software update group info stored in v_AuthListInfo and compliance results stored in v_Update_ComplianceStatusAll
Download the SSRS Report from TechNet Gallery ,upload to your SSRS Folder ,change the Data source and run the report.
You need to look at the unknown status clients since they did not report anything about the software update scan ,could be that software update component not functioning correctly or for different reasons.
In my next report,I will show you how to get the list of clients (Linked report) with status required /unknown.
SCCM Configmgr 2012 Patch Report – OU based Compliance status per Update Group is a post from: Eswar Koneti's Blog